A podcast about science, sort of science, and things that wish they were science. - Paleopals et. al.

Episode 57 | Comedy Strikes Back Pt. 2

Episode 57 | Comedy Strikes Back Pt. 2

He's not talking about this episode.
He's not talking about this episode.

You made it through the glory (yes, the glory) that is Part 1, and while Patrick and Ryan traipse around the globe (i.e. Pittsburgh) the Paleopals have made sure you have a boatload more content to get you through another week. Brian Malow sits in for another hour of tangential science beginning where we left off last week with the start of Trailer Trash Talk!

00:00:00 – Trailer Trash Talk has the guys seeing RED. Literally. There's a movie called RED. It's about spies who are very bad at staying secret cause they just can't blowing stuff up. Or something like that.

00:16:23 - Then it's off to tangent land again as the Paleopals and continuing guest Brain Malow start off talking about the UN's plan for alien contact. I seriously have no idea where the conversation went from there. E-mail in your reports after listening to paleopals@sciencesortof.com!

01:02:29 - PaleoPOW! Diving right in. Patrick has a comment from Betsy who has a complaint about Episode 55. Not about us, but about America and its ability to read and watch at the same time. Ryan has a “short but sweet” e-mail from old friend of the show Jeff Sykes! Charlie is laying down the rules for a new contest, details below.

Music for the show:
99 Red Balloons - Goldfinger
Contact High – Scissor Sisters

Edited to add: This contest has since ended.

The Wicked Science... sort of Autumn Quarter T-shirt Lottery.

Alright Paleoposse, this lottery is free to enter, all you have to do is post our flyer up on to your school message board.

-Get the flyer from sciencesortof.com (to your left, no... your other left) and print it off.

-Tack it up to a message board or two around your campus.

-Take a picture of your handywork and email it to paleopals@sciencesortof.com along with the t-shirt size and color that you know will make you look all sorts of darwinian fit. You can check them out at the store link to the right. Sorry posse, special edition anniversary shirts and hoodies are off limits.

-We'll assign entries a number and then we will draw from the geekiest and fairest 'hat' on the intertubes, http://www.random.org/  We'll pick two lucky winners. Yeah!

Legal blurb: By entering this contest you agree to the above terms and conditions and recognize that we are poor academic scientists and that you will not sue us etc. for hosting this wicked t-shirt lotto.

Good luck and thanks for spreading the science,


The Paleopals

Episode 58 | The Lighter Side of Dark

Episode 58 | The Lighter Side of Dark

Episode 56 | Comedy Strikes Back Pt. 1

Episode 56 | Comedy Strikes Back Pt. 1